Dwell Richly 2.0

Slightly different format, same principle;

God’s people reading the Bible together, 

so, our thoughts and hearts are in tuned together

focusing on Christ love and his Word

to share with those we come into contact with on a daily basis.


As you read, jot down a thought.

Plan on sharing thoughts that stuck out to you

on Sunday after worship, 

while enjoying a cup of coffee.


Remember The Bible Project has great information on each book of the Bible, explaining background history and major themes for a deeper understanding of the biblical story.

Luther’s Prayer to Receive the Word

Eternal God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, grant us Your Holy Spirit who writes the preached Word into our hearts so that we may receive and believe it, and be gladdened and comforted by it in eternity.  Glorify Your Word in our hearts.  Make it so bright and warm that we may find pleasure in it, and through Your inspiration think what is right.  By your power fulfill the Word, for the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord.  Amen

Winter Reading Schedule

Job 39 - March 1

Sunday, March 2

Job 40 - March 3

Job 41 - March 4

Job 42 - March 5

Bible Project Prophets - March 6

Joshua 1 - March 7

Joshua 2 - March 8

Sunday, March 9

Joshua 3 - March 10

Joshua 4 - March 11

Joshua 5 - March 12

Joshua 6 - March 13

Joshua 7 - March 14

Joshua 8 - March 15

Sunday, March 16

Joshua 9 - March 17

Joshua 10 - March 18

Joshua 11 - March 19

Joshua 12 - March 20

Joshua 13 - March 21

Joshua 14 - March 22

Sunday, March 23

Joshua 15 - March 24

Joshua 16 - March 25

Joshua 17 - March 26

Joshua 18 - March 27

Joshua 19 - March 28

Joshua 20 - March 29

Sunday, March 30

Joshua 21 - March 31
